Tag: girls


Literacy activities that appeal to kids

Go with what your child enjoys. I strongly believe that the best way to get kids reading is to give ’em what they like. But maybe you think that their interests – their real interests, what they would spend most of their time doing if they were allowed free reign […]

Book Reviews

The Twilight series

What you need to know about Twilight. So you’ve heard about the Twilight series and you’re wondering if you should get the books for your daughter. There are four books in the series: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. Here’s what you need to know about Twilight: 1) What […]

Book Reviews

Cartooning for Kids

When kids write… they read. Adventures in Cartooning is a great book that teaches kids how to do their own cartoons.And they don’t have to be great at drawing, either. The book uses an engaging story line to take the reader through the process of building their own cartoon. Before […]


Boys and girls are different

They approach literature differently, too. Boys use different parts of their brains than girls to process emotions and words. They relate to characters in books differently, and enjoy reading different kinds of things. Here’s what most boys like to read:*Non-fiction*Facts*Accounts of real events*Books with action*Illustrated accounts showing how things work*Gross […]

Book Reviews

What are kids into these days?

I spent last week helping to staff a fundraising book fair for my son’s school. It was a great way to get a sense of what the kids are interested in these days. By far, the book that flew off the shelves the fastest was Diary of a Wimpy Kid […]