This looks like a lot of fun, and I’m hoping it will be a good reading extension.
It’s the movie, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, starring (the adorable) Michael Cera. It’s based on the very popular series of Scott Pilgrim books. Here’s the official trailer which has just been released.
The movie was shot in Toronto, and lets the city be itself for once (Toronto usually doubles for a big US city). So that’s kind of exciting.
Here’s the website for the movie.
And the website for the Scott Pilgrim books.
And here’s another book recommended by Michael Cera.
And here’s a post on Boing Boing about the Scott Pilgrim movie.
Oh, and just for fun, here’s that great Canadian please video that I do enjoy so much.
This post got me thinking about a post on another blog that links to book trailers. These are similar to movie trailers but for books.