Activities, Crafts, Gift ideas

Take 30 seconds for literacy this holiday

Think about literacy.

Take 30 seconds during the holidays – today – to reflect on how you can help your child become a better reader, enjoy books more and have greater access to books.

Just taking the time to focus on literacy will bring your child one step closer to enjoying reading more.

Here are some ideas to help you answer the question:

“How can I help my child enjoy reading more?”

* Extend your child’s bedtime – as long as he’s reading, he can stay up a bit later.

* Take your child to the library.

* Buy a great book and put it on your child’s pillow for her to discover tonight.

* Buy yourself a good book. When kids see their parents reading, they’re more likely to read themselves. (Have you read Andre Agassi’s new biography Open? Even if you don’t like sports, biographies or Andre Agassi – you will enjoy this great, fast and engaging read.)

* Read with your child tonight, even if he’s already reading by himself.

* Buy books at Goodwill or another second-hand store.

* Rent your child the movie of a famous book. Buy the book too.

* Suggest that the grandparents purchase a magazine subscription for your child.

* Buy your child a booklight. Let him use it tonight after lights-out.

* Get your son a fact-based book like the Guinness Book of Records or one with lots of adventure like Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief (the graphic novel has just come out).

* Get your daughter a book with lots of great characters and developed relationships, or one with a wonderful, empowered heroine like Eloise.

* Don’t ever give up. Every second you spend with your child on reading is quality time and an investment in his future.

Image: Wikimedia Commons, by this author.

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