You’ve gotta love the spirit behind The Kid Should See This.
You’re trolling the Internet (as you do) and you come across a crazy video showing lightning strikes on the CN Tower, and you think “I’ve gotta show this to my kid!”
That’s exactly what TKSST is. A collection of fascinating, insane, edutaining, funny videos that your kid has just gotta see.
What’s on TKSST right now? Let’s see:
- a bug walking across food colouring, showing how its feet slurry the water. (cool);
- luminescent underwater creatures (way-cool);
- an animated, artistic work by a Scottish-Canadian filmmaker (interesting for a certain kind of kid);
- Dizzy Gillespie performing St. Louis Blues on the Muppet Show (groovy);
- a comparison of how big all the planets are (science-y fun, especially when the other planets come out to dwarf our Earth in size);
- a guy flying over the Grand Canyon in a jet-propelled, wearable wing (nature-cool);
- a TED lecture about a robot that flies like a bird (way-cool).
The videos range from less than a minute to five or six minutes. But of course, you can fast-forward and skip to the best parts. The site is co-curated by Rion Nakaya and her three-year-old, Dante.
TKSST parses all the white-noise from the Internet down to just the best stuff that’s going to feed your child’s curiosity in a good way. Gotta love that.
Thanks, Val, for pointing us to this great website. Via (where I nabbed this screenshot from since I still don’t know how to do good ones myself).