1-hour ideas

1-hour ideas Activities

"Project Bookmark" in Toronto

And to think, I was going to stop following Mayor Miller’s tweets. I’m glad I didn’t, because today he was tweeting about an amazing enterprise called Project Bookmark Canada. The project takes advantage of the incredible array of books set in Canadian locations. As the Project Bookmark website says, “when […]

1-hour ideas Activities Games Toys

Scrabble time!

The holidays are perfect for Scrabble. Turn off the TV, get out the board, pour the adults some red wine. Crack open a bag of Doritos. And create a new holiday tradition. Here’s the Scrabble board from our game last night. Because our son’s seven, he gets to double his […]

1-hour ideas Activities Tips

Avoiding library fines

Libraries don’t have to cost a lot of money.Here are some tips:1) Renew your books online. When your deadline is approaching, go online using your library card, and hit “renew” for all your books. It buys you some time. 2) If your books are overdue, renew them online anyway. It […]