What impact, if any, does access to print materials have on our children’s reading? A lot, according to extensive research by RIF, Reading Is Fundamental, a non-profit children’s literacy organization based in Washington, DC. Owning and borrowing books from the library causes, “positive behavioural, educational and psychological outcomes.” In other […]
Play on Words – literacy action game
By Nancy Miller Here’s a fun activity that can take five minutes, or roll out to 10 or 15. The goal here is to have fun with words — and encourage your kid to get reading! Play on Words This activity uses three major learning styles: • visual: they see […]
How to build reading success
Could this be Snappy the mouse? Well, no, I made him up. But if there was a mouse named Snappy, this would be him. In a bi-plane. Image: by Dvortygirl. Here’s a great way to help your child succeed at reading and at the same time develop a love of books… […]
Promote literacy: four important activities
There’s a fourth promoter of literacy. You know that I’m always going on about the three most important things you can do to turn your kid into a great reader: 1) Read to her every day. 2) Have lots of books scattered throughout your house. 3) Let her see you […]
Teen says reading helped save him
Haille Bailey-Harris is an amazing teenager. His mom helped him get on the right path, in part by nurturing his love of reading. An incredible success story In the Globe and Mail‘s coverage of “boys and education” this week, a very moving column by a boy named Haille Bailey-Harris caught […]
Literacy Lava 6 – e-newsletter
Please check out the 6th edition of Literacy Lava e-newsletter. I have an article in it (“Newspapers Build Literacy Skills”) that I hope you enjoy. Click here to access the free .pdf, Literacy Lava 6. Scroll down on the page and click on the image of LL6. You’ll find lots […]
Keeping kids reading
My son reads a lot. Erm… well, he used to. It appears that I’ve been resting on some laurels that have deserted me while I was looking the other way. (To use an overly complicated metaphor.) Over the summer, I started to notice that my son has been playing more […]
Supermarket Scavenger Hunt
By Julia Mohamed The next time you go grocery shopping, make it a more educational, enjoyable and literate experience for your kids with a Supermarket Scavenger Hunt! 1. Give each child a list of items to gather. Be as specific as possible (include a brand name, size, etc.) For instance, […]
Write your kid a letter
Have you sent your kid a letter this summer? What a great thing to do! When you’re bored at work – instead of re-checking your e-mail for the tenth time, or surfing, do something that will help your kid… write her a letter. It takes, like, 10 minutes and it […]
Survey for research on "enhanced books"
GKR readers, the U of C needs our help. The University of Connecticut is doing a study on illustrated children’s books. They’d like GKR readers to help by taking a brief (four-minute) online survey. Before passing along their request to you, I called them and spoke to them about their […]