Other News

Book Reviews

Great books for teens

Teenagers are reading lots these days. CBC Radio recently had two young book aficionados talk about what teens are interested in, and it’s more than just Twilight (although Twilight’s in there as well). They said that some hot teen genres are: *Speculative fiction (this used to be known as science […]

Activities Games Toys

New Tag books

Tag has some new books for learning short and long vowel sounds. You know I love the whole LeapFrog system. My son learned so much from it when he was little. So when I received these book kits, I was excited.What I discovered, however, is that you have to:a) Find […]

Incentives Tips

Summer reading program

Is your child collecting library stickers? The other day, my son and I went to the library to report four books and get stickers for his poster. (The stickers are the rewards in the library’s summer reading program.) Unfortunately, the librarian would only give my son one sticker. He said […]